Set in Mumbai, the wonderful story of a Labrador puppy who enters the life of a successful and beautiful journalist. Simba is a Labrador puppy that Gauri buys for her husband Chait, a man of few words but a quiet dedication to his family ... More about the book
Twenty perfect contestants. One perfect murder. It's 1995. The finale of the nation's biggest beauty contest, Miss Glamour Princess, hosted by the mega media conglomerate Eye India, is only days away. In the running are twenty-one beautiful contestants, including India's sweetheart and reigning model Akruti Rai. More about the book
Late 1990's, Mumbai. Superstar RK is traumatised by the inexplicable wails that have begun echoing through his sprawling heritage home. Is he really being haunted, or could the sounds have anything to do with his latest movie, a blockbuster about a haunted house? Enter former supermodel, the glamorous Akruti Rai and the street-savvy Parvati Samant, private investigators with their own detective agency... More about the book
Gauri Sinh, when she isn't parenting her daughter and Golden Labrador, or cheering national and international Rugby matches, likes to write. Earlier, she used to head Bombay Times, the lifestyle and entertainment supplement ... More about Gauri
It is always wonderful when you see or hear of something - poetry, a picture, a painting, a piece of writing - that strikes a chord, touches you in some way. Connections are important, for feedback, for growth, for change ... Read More